More than Fitness #keepgymsopen

Cheers to a New Year! 

A bit of a bumpy start to 2022 but we never shy away from a challenge. 

This past shutdown order has been a tough one to say the least. With the latest restrictions placed on gyms for a full closure with no consideration to other smaller steps (such as capacity restrictions, masks or otherwise) we are left frustrated, confused and worried. Over 42% of gyms have permanently closed since the start of the pandemic and this second closure will likely be the end of many more.
​We’re taking on this next 18 days of shutdown like we take on any challenge….One rep at a time! 
​Just like our coaches give us advice on how to take on a hard workout: Break it down into manageable sets. 

​That doesn’t mean it’s not going to suck at some points, because it will (and it has!)  I’ve had moments where I want to give up, throw in the towel and walk away. To be honest, it would be really easy to simply shut down. It would take a lot of pressure off our shoulders, a lot less stress and a mini vacay would be kinda nice….. BUT we do NOT believe that is best for you or anyone! Working out is important both physically AND mentally. #happierhealthier

It helps to stop, take a breath or two, then break it all into small pieces and get one thing done at a time. 
​This is a small example of the “beyond simply fitness” stuff we talk about. How the work in the gym reaches beyond the gym into our every day lives.

Just like last time, we do not believe this is a pass to not workout, or to not take care of our health. There is still so much we can do, and we will. #mentalhealth  #keepgymsopen #healthmattersjan18 
We got this!

What can you do to help? Here is what you can do to support your gym right now:

  1. – Keep your membership active. We are working our butts off to keep our members training and working on their health and fitness even if not able to walk through our doors. We have always believed we can deliver our service beyond our four walls. We have at-home programming, equipment lending program, our Core, Nutrition and Mindset Challenge and more. Most gyms were still climbing out of the hole from a bumpy 2020 and 2021, so this latest shutdown has hit even harder than the first one.
  2. – Write to your local MLA Kootenay East MLA
  3. – Make your views public. We are using the hashtag #healthmattersjan18 across all gyms in BC.
  4. -Keep being awesome, keep workout and keep yourself healthy

We love you and got you!

Jana and your FMFA team


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