October Re-set

September is a transition month as the seasons change, summer holidays end and kids go back to school.  

But October has fewer speedbumps. It’s often “business as usual.” The kids have been back in school for a month or more and no major holidays are on the calendar. (well, except for delicious Thanksgiving) October is the perfect time to focus on yourself and get some great habits in place. 

Here’s a quick activity to help you do it: Jot down your major health and fitness goals (and feel free to email them to me if you like!). Now think of three things you can do in October to accomplish those goals faster. 

Here’s an example: 

Major goals:  

– Reduce stress and feel better mentally.  

– Drop 10 lb. 

October activities that will support those goals:  

– Booking the month’s workouts ahead of time to make sure I train four times per week. 

– Setting a calendar reminder to do 10 minutes of mindset drills every day at 7 a.m. 

– Blocking off time for meal prep every Sunday evening to ensure I’m not tempted by the drive-thru on busy weekdays. 

You can imagine what will happen if a person commits to this plan for the next month. Great results will come! 

But here’s the trick: We’re using October to set a pattern that will continue during the holidays in November and December and into 2023. 

We all know things get a little wild as the year draws to a close, so it’s critical to dial in your habits now. If they aren’t in place when the December holidays roll around, chaos is likely.  

But if your routine is established, you can rely on it to carry you through the family gatherings, work parties and schedule changes. 

Try the activity above right now. It will require about two minutes. If you do it, you’ll be taking a major step to prioritize yourself and your goals.   

You can take action on your own, but if you want support, shoot me a message. I have been using habit stacking and small changes to make big adjustments in my own life. ~ Jana

I’ll be sure to offer any insight or tips that might help you find success. If we can help, I’ll tell you exactly what we can do for you. 

Remember this above all: Patterns only become patterns if you commit to them. And October is the time to do it! 


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